Labor and employment law refers to the area of law impacting the employment relationship for unionized and non-unionized employees. Labor law refers to the legal regulations for unionized employees while employment law governs the employment law for non-unionized employees. Its wide-ranging responsibilities and areas contained within, offer immense scope to affect the lives of Canadians.
If you have experienced termination or workplace harassment contact Cambria Law who are well versed in the concerned laws to help you understand your situation and available options.
Take matters into your own hands and not fully rely on your employer to act honestly and in good faith in your employment relationship. Whether you need support on discipline, dismissals, labor law, employment contracts, labour relations and regulatory compliance, the professional team at Cambria Law is here for you.
Wrongful Dismissal
Wrongful dismissal occurs when an employer has terminated an employee without providing notice of termination or pay in lieu of notice.
An employer has the right to terminate an employee however, if that termination is due to no fault of the employee, the employer must provide adequate severance or termination pay. The appropriate amount of termination or severance pay is determined by several factors such as age, position, availability of similar employment and tenure.
If you have not been provided a severance package or have been provided one and you would like for our lawyers to review it, please give us a call. This is highly recommended as once you sign the release, you are giving up your rights to more severance pay.
Reach out to our team and get a free consultation and review of your package with no obligations.
Severance Package Reviews
When is an employee entitled to a severance package?
Employees are entitled to severance packages from their employer if:
- Dismisses or stops employing the employee, including where an employee is no longer employed due to the bankruptcy or insolvency of their employer
- “Constructively” dismisses (please refer to “constructive dismissal”) the employee and the employee resigns in response within a reasonable time;
- Lays the employee off for 35 or more weeks in a period of 52 consecutive weeks